

  Wind Energy Wind energy is an indirect source of solar energy conversion and can be utilised to run windmill which in turn drives a generator to produce electricity. Winds are caused by the pressure gradient. The kinetic energy of wind can be converted into mechanical or electrical energy.  Wind energy is used to generate electricity by wind turbines. Blowing wind spins the blades on a wind turbine. The blades of the turbine are attached to a hub that is mounted on a turning shaft. The shaft goes through a gear transmission box where the turning speed is increased. The transmission is attached to a high speed shaft which turns a generator. Energy is stored by D.C. batteries. If the wind gets too fast the turbine has a brake that will keep the blades from running too fast and being damaged.  In India generally wind speeds obtained are in the lower ranges. Attempts are therefore on the development of low cost low speed mills for irrigation of small and marginal farms for providing drin


 Global warming The greenhouse effect at it natural level is very essential for life to exist on this planet ( earth) , but its increase (enhanced greenhouse effect) as is actually taking pqlce, is feared to cause global climatic changes of irreversible and highly destructive type. The greenhouse effect is in fact normal to earth and essential to life. Without it, the earth would be over 30°C cooler and life as we know would not exist.  The Energy of the Sun is emitted as heat radiations. Some of the heat radiations reach the earth surface and are absorbed and retained by the earth surface. Some of this absorbed heat is then re-radiated by the heated earth surface . the temperature of the earth surface is determined by the energy balance between the heat energy reaching the earth surface and the heat energy that is radiated back into space.  Troposphere, the lowermost layer of the atmosphere , traps heat by a natural process due ti the presence of certain gases. This effect is called g


  Damp proof course  A continuous layer of impervious damp resisting material provided to protect super structure of a building from dampness.  Properties of Ideal Damp Proofing Material  1) Damp proofing material should be impervious for restricting the moisture movement through even a thin layer of it.  2) It should carry safely the loads coming, over it due to dead weight of the structure , live load , wind load etc.  3) The material should not change its properties with time.  Types of Damp Proofing 1) Membrane damp proofing 2)Intergral damp proofing  3) Surface Treatment for damp proofing  4) Guniting  5) Cavity wall Construction  MEMBRANCE DAMP PROOFING   By Providing layer or membrance of water repellent material between the source of dampness and the part of structure adjacent to it is called Membrane Damp proofing   Then this type of layer is called Damp Proofing Course DPC  This layer consists of material like bitumenous felt, mastic asphalt , plastic or polythene sheet and c

Water supply engineering

Water supply engineering: Water Supply Engineering is that branch of engineering which deals with the supply of water used for various purposes . Water moves in a cyclic process which is known as hydrological cycle in water supply engineering . In this engineering a scheme is constituted which is known as water supply scheme . The purpose of this scheme is to search a suitable source of water supply then giving it proper treatment to make it pure and at last to distribute this treated water at the required place . In ancient times people arrange the required water by their personal efforts but with the advancement of community and increase in population , the requirement of a well designed water supply scheme becomes compulsory . A civil engineer has a wide knowledge of hydraulic structures and various works connected with water supply system . Due to this reason this water supply engineering is connected with a civil engineer .

Importance and necessary of water supply system

  Importance and necessary of water supply system  For any living being water , air , food , shelter , etc. are the primary needs , in purposes , few of them are :  ( a ) for drinking and cooking  ( b ) for bathing and washing  ( c ) for watering of lawns and gardens  ( d ) for heating and air - conditioning systems  ( e ) for street washing for fire fighting  ( f) for recreation in swimming pools , fountains  ( g ) for steam power and various industrial processes etc.        Without food human can survive for a number of days , but water is such an essential element that without it he cannot . In the ancient times human required water for drinking , bathing , cooking etc. but with the advancement of civilization the utility of water enormously increased , and now such a stage has come that without well - organized public water supply scheme , it is impossible to run the present civil life .        In ancient times every individual or family was responsible to arrange their water suppl

Hydrological cycle

 HYDROLOGICAL CYCLE  Hydrology in the science which deals with the occurrence , distribution and movement of water on the earth , including that in the atmosphere and below the surface of the earth Water occurs in the atmosphere in the form of vapour , on the surface water , snow or ise and below the surface as ground water occupying all the voids with in a geologie stratum .   Water is lost in the atmosphere as vapour from the earth , which is ther precipitated back in the form of rain , snow , hail , dew , sleet or frost ete . This precipitation and evaporation continues forever , and thereby a balance 1 maintained between the two . This process is known as hydrologic cycle and  This cycle is also called water cycle .  Hydrologie cycle or the waler cycle is the process of transfer of moisture frou atmosphere to the earth in the form of precipitation , and movement of the precipitate water by streams and rivers to ocean and lakes etc. , and evaporation of water back C the atmosphere .

Gradient and types of gradient for highway construction

  Gradient  The rate of rise or fall of a road surface along the length of the road is termed as gradient. It is usually expressed as a ratio of 1 vertical in'n horizontal (i.e. 1 in n). For example if a road surface falls 4 m in a horizontal distance of 200 m measured along the length of the road, the road gradient is 1 in 50. Some times it is also expressed as percentage. Gradient is always necessary to drain off the surface water easily from the side drains. It should be remembered that surface water can be drained off to the side drains by providing camber to the road surface but a certain longitudinal slope (Gradient) is essentially required to drain the water along the side drains (easier flow of open drain water to some gutter, ditch or intercepting chamber). Gradient of a road depends upon the following factors:  () Nature of traffic : For slow moving traffic like Tongas and Bullock carts, Steeper pa e: gradient is avoided.  (ii) Natural Topography of area : To avoid unnec