Importance and necessary of water supply system

 Importance and necessary of water supply system

 For any living being water , air , food , shelter , etc. are the primary needs , in purposes , few of them are :

 ( a ) for drinking and cooking

 ( b ) for bathing and washing

 ( c ) for watering of lawns and gardens

 ( d ) for heating and air - conditioning systems

 ( e ) for street washing for fire fighting 

( f) for recreation in swimming pools , fountains 

( g ) for steam power and various industrial processes etc. 

      Without food human can survive for a number of days , but water is such an essential element that without it he cannot . In the ancient times human required water for drinking , bathing , cooking etc. but with the advancement of civilization the utility of water enormously increased , and now such a stage has come that without well - organized public water supply scheme , it is impossible to run the present civil life . 

      In ancient times every individual or family was responsible to arrange their water supplies . There was no collective efforts by the whole community for it . But as the community developed , it became essential to have public water supply . When the community found that their local sources of water supply such as shallow wells , springs , cisterns etc. are not enough to meet the demand of the town , they started to collect the water from distant large sources and conveyed it to the town through aqueducts , canals etc.

      When the concentration of population increases , it becomes very difficult to locate wells . In addition to this sources of water having good quality of water , are not easily available to the individuals . It also becomes compulsory to protect the community from the danger of fire , which is not possible through private sources of water . These all situations led to the development of public water supply schemes . 

       As in ancient times there were no pipes , which could withstand even moderate pressures , therefore engineers of those ages had to use pipes of clays , lead and bored wood in small sizes . In all these cases , the water was allowed to flow under gravitational force only and the weak pipes were protected from internal pressure . In the middle of eighteenth century , first time use of cast - iron pipes was started . Due to their high durability the use of cast - iron pipes was started everywhere . Due to the knowledge of hydraulic structures and various other works connected with Water supply schemes , the complete designing , construction and maintenance of Water supply schemes becomes the work of Civil Engineers . Therefore , for every Civil Engineer it is necessary to have the full knowledge of it . 7

For any living being water , air , food , shelter , etc. are the primary needs , in purposes , few of them are :

 ( a ) for drinking and cooking 

( b ) for bathing and washing

 ( c ) for watering of lawns and gardens 

( d ) for heating and air - conditioning systems

 ( e ) for street washing for fire fighting 

( f ) for recreation in swimming pools , fountains

 ( g ) for steam power and various industrial processes etc. 

Without food human can survive for a number of days , but water is such an essential element that without it he cannot . In the ancient times human required water for drinking , bathing , cooking etc. but with the advancement of civilization the utility of water enormously increased , and now such a stage has come that without well - organized public water supply scheme , it is impossible to run the present civil life . 

          In ancient times every individual or family was responsible to arrange their water supplies . There was no collective efforts by the whole community for it . But as the community developed , it became essential to have public water supply . When the community found that their local sources of water supply such as shallow wells , springs , cisterns etc. are not enough to meet the demand of the town , they started to collect the water from distant large sources and conveyed it to the town through aqueducts , canals etc. 

       When the concentration of population increases , it becomes very difficult to locate wells . In addition to this sources of water having good quality of water , are not easily available to the individuals . It also becomes compulsory to protect the community from the danger of fire , which is not possible through private sources of water . These all situations led to the development of public water supply schemes . 

     As in ancient times there were no pipes , which could withstand even moderate pressures , therefore engineers of those ages had to use pipes of clays , lead and bored wood in small sizes . In all these cases , the water was allowed to flow under gravitational force only and the weak pipes were protected from internal pressure . In the middle of eighteenth century , first time use of cast - iron pipes was started . Due to their high durability the use of cast - iron pipes was started everywhere . Due to the knowledge of hydraulic structures and various other works connected with Water supply schemes , the complete designing , construction and maintenance of Water supply schemes becomes the work of Civil Engineers . Therefore , for every Civil Engineer it is necessary to have the full knowledge of it . 


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