Hydrological cycle


 Hydrology in the science which deals with the occurrence , distribution and movement of water on the earth , including that in the atmosphere and below the surface of the earth Water occurs in the atmosphere in the form of vapour , on the surface water , snow or ise and below the surface as ground water occupying all the voids with in a geologie stratum .

  Water is lost in the atmosphere as vapour from the earth , which is ther precipitated back in the form of rain , snow , hail , dew , sleet or frost ete . This precipitation and evaporation continues forever , and thereby a balance 1 maintained between the two . This process is known as hydrologic cycle and  This cycle is also called water cycle . 

Hydrologie cycle or the waler cycle is the process of transfer of moisture frou atmosphere to the earth in the form of precipitation , and movement of the precipitate water by streams and rivers to ocean and lakes etc. , and evaporation of water back C the atmosphere . 


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