10 class math airthmatic progessions excerise 5.1

Excerise no 5.1

1) In which of the following situations, does the list of number involved makes as airthmatic progessions and why ?

A) the taxi fare after each km when the fare is RS 15 for the first km and RS 8 for each additional km 

It can be observed that 
Taxi fare for 1st km = 15  
Taxi fare for first 2nd km = 15+8 = 23
taki fare for first 3rd km  = 23+8 = 31
Taki fare for first 4 km    =31+8 = 39

Clearly 15, 23, 31, 39 form an A.P. because every term is 8 more than preceding term.

B) the amount of air present in the cylinder when a vaccum pump remove 1/4 À of the air remaining in the cylinder at a time


Let the initial volume of air in a cylinder by V litres . In each stock the vaccum pump remove À 1/4 À of air remaining in the cylinder at a time . In other words after every Stoke only 1- 1/4 = 3/4 Part of air will remain

Therefore volume will be V, 3V/4 , (3V/4 )², (3V/4 )³....

Clearly it can be observed that the adjacent terms of this series do not have the same difference between them . Therefore this is not an A.P.

C) The cost of digging a well after every metre of digging when it costs RS 150 for the first metre and rises by RS 50 for each subsequent metre.

Cost of digging for first metre. = 150
Cost of digging for first 2 metre = 150+50 = 250
Cost of digging for first 3 metre = 200+50 250
Cost of digging for first 4 metre = 250+50 = 300

Clearly 150, 200, 250, 300 forms am A.P. because every term is 50 more than the preceding term


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