The product obtained by burning and crushing to powder either stone containing 1/5 the or 2/5 th clay and remaining carbonate of lime or an intimate mixture of well proportioned calcareous and argillaceous material is called cement. Calcareous material are lime stone , mark, chalk or shells etc. Argillaceous material are silica , clay, oxide of iron etc. Commonly used cement for normal construction work is ordinary Portland cement composition of Portland cement.
a) calcium oxide = 60 to 65%
b) silica = 20 to 25%
c) aluminium oxide = 4 to 8%
d) ferrous oxide = 2 to 4%
e) magnesium oxide = 1 to 3%
f) Sulphur trioxide = .5 to 3%
Cementation value = 2.8 A +1.1 B + .7C /1.0 D + 1.4 E
A = percentage of silica content by weight
B = percentage of alumina content by weight
C = percentage of ferric oxide by weight
D = percentage of calcium oxide by weight
E = percentage of magnesium oxide by weight
The product obtained by burning and crushing to powder either stone containing 1/5 the or 2/5 th clay and remaining carbonate of lime or an intimate mixture of well proportioned calcareous and argillaceous material is called cement. Calcareous material are lime stone , mark, chalk or shells etc. Argillaceous material are silica , clay, oxide of iron etc. Commonly used cement for normal construction work is ordinary Portland cement composition of Portland cement.
a) calcium oxide = 60 to 65%
b) silica = 20 to 25%
c) aluminium oxide = 4 to 8%
d) ferrous oxide = 2 to 4%
e) magnesium oxide = 1 to 3%
f) Sulphur trioxide = .5 to 3%
Cementation value = 2.8 A +1.1 B + .7C /1.0 D + 1.4 E
A = percentage of silica content by weight
B = percentage of alumina content by weight
C = percentage of ferric oxide by weight
D = percentage of calcium oxide by weight
E = percentage of magnesium oxide by weight